Planet - info Magazine

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Personal branding

“Personal Branding” is the process of marketing our self.
 ‘Branding’ is a critical component of purchasing decisions that provided to the customer by a professional in order to distinguish a product, company, and service that is easily recognized by the Brand itself.  When you say Google it means the Giant worldwide search web. When you say Ferrari means a fast and luxury car but also we see this brand recognition with particular people. Bill Gates, immediately associate with Microsoft brand or one of the biggest billionaire in our planet.
Usually people think that personal branding is only for VIP-s such as celebrities, politicians, business people, and etc, but I think that each of us is a brand itself. The globalism is running incredibly fast and breaking barriers through the internet.  As people start to become aware of brand recognition and how it is powerful as a tool in reaching our path of success, such as Internet have become a powerful help especially to the social media.
People start using the social media more and more not just as a tool to entertain and socialize, but as a way of marketing itself. Globalism is making the competition tougher; people are struggling to find the way to the success. This example might explain some of this theory. If we think for a moment between two graduate students, one is a Hult student and the other one is from Harvard. Who has the chances of getting hired faster and probably get a better job? Probably I would say a Harvard student, not just because he might be smarter but he get recognized by a Brand such as Harvard which is a top leader in education.
At this point social media is helping in surpassing such challenge.
 LinkedIn, the digital social media, which now is growing rapidly, is helping any professional and offering an amazing opportunity for each of us to build our personal brand through marketing ourselves in any community.
Smart marketing and good personal branding is a key success and digital media is offering this opportunity, we just need to use it.

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