Planet - info Magazine

Friday, June 3, 2011

Personal branding VS Personality

Instead of having a personal brand, why not just have a personality?”

Welcome to the virtual life. Every day of our life we are becoming more and more digitalized and computerized. I wonder how many of us spend most of their time in front of computer rather than socializing with friends in the outer world. We have become the slaves of a virtual life that we can’t live without and now it is part of our routine. Our best friend has become a 12 inch screen that takes us through a world that is infinite and unlimited.
This virtual world where we find ourselves now makes almost impossible for the interaction between people. We spend 30% of our time in Facebook and other sites socializing with friends.
Most of the job search, purchasing, and servicing is becoming online that limits our physical interaction between people. The way we are recognized today is through online nickname. How much we are recognized by our personality? Most people use online characters to express feelings, emotions, and thoughts; and avoiding communication with real people to deal with their issues and matters.

 Unfortunately, I can state the following: very soon there will be invention such as “cybernetic sex” and there will be no more need for the two partners. Believe it or not.

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